By participating in the products or services on the site, you signify your express consent to receive information from Company in electronic format. You will need a computer with browser and Internet access to receive such electronic records. Electronic records may include terms and conditions, agreements, privacy policies, and other items.


Upon your agreement to the Agreement, the Company hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited license to use this site in strict accordance with the terms and conditions in this Agreement and as permitted via instructions on this site. You agree not to make any false or fraudulent statements in your use of or to gain access to this site. You acknowledge and agree that all content and services available on this site are property of the Company and its advertisers and licensors and are protected by copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, and other proprietary rights and laws, in the U. S. and internationally. All rights not expressly granted herein are fully reserved by the Company, its advertisers and licensors. You agree to pay for any and all purchases and services made using your name and credit card through this Site, not to challenge any such charges and to pay for all collections and/or attorney’s fees resulting from any non-payment.


You agree not to make any false or fraudulent statements in your use of or to gain access to this site or during your use of this site. Except as may be explicitly permitted through this site, you agree not to save, download, cut and paste, sell, license, rent, lease, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from materials, code or content on or from this site or that is property of Company or any advertiser offering materials through our programs. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from this site or the site of any party offering materials through this site to create or compile directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from the Company is prohibited. In addition, use of the content or materials for any purpose not expressly permitted in this Agreement is prohibited.



User agrees to honor any and all Terms and Conditions applicable to their Professional Agreement with Company.

Company offers various Products, Services, and Subscription Packages intended to assist User in marketing their entity to interested local, state, or federal government contracting resources. Company is not a government agency and is not affiliated with the government. We are a private, third-party business development firm for government contracting registration and consulting services. The government offers free registration forms at SAM.gov. Fees paid to the Company are for services as described on the Company’s website and marketing materials.

The products, services, and/or subscription packages purchased by User constitute the “Professional Agreement” between User and Company.

Depending on the combination of products, services, or subscription packages that constitute the User’s Professional Agreement with the Company, the specific terms and conditions outlined for “Products and Services”,, and “Subscription Packages” will be recognized by both User and Company as applicable to User’s Professional Agreement.

“Products” are defined as any solution provided by Company in exchange for a fixed price that results in a deliverable “good” (report, document, etc.) to the User.

“Services” are defined as any solution provided by Company in exchange for a fixed price that results in delivery by Company to User of information, data or strategy in a format other than those defined as Products.

“Subscription Packages” are defined as any service billed as a cyclical recurring charge by the Company to a User in exchange for ongoing proprietary access to information, databases, or some other valuable commodity owned or managed by Company.


If a User’s Professional Agreement with Company includes one or more Product or Services, the following terms and conditions are applicable:

Company is responsible for delivering stated Product and/or Service in a reasonable format and timeframe, based on the product/service description and as outlined in the “Product/Service Agreement”.

User is responsible for reading, agreeing to and returning the “Product/Service Agreement” to Company prior to work beginning for fulfillment.

User will be asked to pay additional fees for support / continued engagement beyond the scope of the standard deliverable(s) and timeframe(s) (varies based on product/service ordered).

Fees on product / service rendered do not include any third party registration or related fees; any such fees, as may be applicable, will be disclosed by the Company, and will be paid by the User directly to any such third party provider; similarly, any refund or cancellation requests for such fees will need to be addressed by the User to such third party provider.


If a User’s Professional Agreement with Company includes one or more Subscription Packages, the following terms and conditions are applicable:

User is responsible for continued utilization of FedBiz Access government contracting database and/or marketing tools provided. User is responsible for engaging their Company representative if they have questions about database and/or marketing tools utilization.

User understands and agrees that monthly recurring subscriptions that are upgraded to, or are prepaid by the User on an annual basis, as may be applicable, render User a “Member” of the Company’s Products/Services, and as such, Member receives substantial discounts and special services otherwise not available to User. Membership-based subscriptions are subject to auto renewal.

Subscription and/or Membership fees are earned upon payment with no pro-rated refunds at the time of cancellation.



User can cancel Service purchase by sending an email to cancellation@FedBiz Access.com within 72 hours of the acceptance of this agreement and receipt of payment.

Regardless of the approved cancellation timeframe, once work has begun on a product or service, any refund will be minus time spent on that service or product.

The email must the include name of the business, business phone number, and the word CANCEL in the body of the email. No refunds will be issued after Service has been fully delivered.

No refunds will be issued after the initial 72 hour period of acceptance of this agreement. Regardless of the approved cancellation timeframe, once work has begun on a product or service, any refund will be minus time spent on that product or service. The customer agrees not to stop pay on any types of payment including but not limited to Credit Cards, Checks, ACH, or Check Drafts. Any charges of a stop payment or dispute to any bank or payment processor will be in direct violation of this agreement and all charges associated with this action will be passed on to the customer, not limited to attorney fees and bank charges. By acceptance of this agreement you are bound to all its Terms and Conditions.


If you wish to cancel your FedBiz Access Subscription License, you must submit a written request to cancellation@FedBiz Access.com and in order to expedite the cancellation process call our Customer Service number 888-801-8495. You will be required to speak to a member of our Client Services Team to facilitate your cancellation request. Once you’ve spoken with a Client Services Specialist, you will receive a cancellation confirmation code via email, completing your cancellation. Cancellation requests may only be submitted by the authorized billing contact on your subscription/account.

Due to proprietary information, there are no refunds for subscription package. Cancellation requests must be submitted no later than 5 business days prior to the date of your next billing cycle, and may not be applied retroactively. Cancellation can be made at any time prior to your next recurring billing charge.

Your FedBiz Access Subscription includes a Set-Up / License Fee. This license fee allows the user to access Company’s proprietary government contracting database and marketing tools. Accessing the Company’s proprietary government contracting database and/or marketing tools, activates your License. Once your license is activated, you are no longer eligible to a refund of fees paid for your license to Company’s proprietary database and/or marketing tools.

Once a client has received access to the proprietary data contained within the FedBiz Access Market Inteldatabase, the client has the ability to download, copy, or otherwise leverage the data provided. Therefore, any fees (including account set-up fees) paid to FedBiz Access that result in the client receiving access to the FedBiz Access Market Intel database are non-refundable.

Furthermore, User understands and agrees that monthly recurring subscriptions that are upgraded to, or are prepaid by the User on an annual basis, as may be applicable, render User a “Member” of the Company’s Products/Services, and as such, Member receives substantial discounts and special services, OTHERWISE NOT AVAILABLE to User. Such Member-based subscriptions are subject to auto renewal on the same terms and conditions. Membership-based, recurring annual subscriptions are twelve (12) consecutive month contractual obligations that are not subject to pause or cancellation prior to the annual anniversary renewal date.

Subscription and/or Membership fees are earned upon payment with no pro-rated refunds at the time of cancellation.

You are obligated to pay for your account even if you do not use it. Because we have provided you with usernames and passwords, you have the ability to use your account. The fact that you do not do so is not relevant – you are still obligated to pay for the subscription/account. Even an unused account uses valuable system resources.

Written notification of cancellation must include customer name, company name, CAGE Code, address, and telephone number, and the effective date of termination of the subscription/account. Completion of the cancellation process will result with a cancellation email containing a confirmation code. Subscriptions/accounts that are not terminated in accordance with the above procedures shall remain active and shall continue to incur periodic service charges until properly terminated.

To ensure that your credit card will not be charged for your next billing period, it is your responsibility to make sure the cancellation policy is followed and confirmation has been received via email to complete to process.

If a dispute does result prior to cancellation being received by FedBiz Access then you will be responsible to incur any costs incurred by both parties until the proper cancellation process has been followed.

Please ensure that your credit card details are kept up to date. If we are unable to process payment from your card, we regret that it will be necessary to suspend your access to the subscription sections of the Paid For services until you provide us with details of a valid credit card. You can do this by calling our customer service department at 877-376-4249. You will still be liable for any outstanding payments that could not be met when your account was suspended.